The reading says over 100 million years ago insects and plants were part of an important cycle. The bees, beetles and butterflies give life to flowers and help reproduce and in return they give pollen for insects to use as food and such. The reading gave an example of this for humans. Imagine us going around everyday of our lives with a q-tip and swabbing for pollen on millions of flowers. We would fail miserably. Due to pollution and climate change insects are dying off thus creating plants to die off as well. If we ended up killing off an entire species of insects that pollinate, we will kill a plant species as well because of stopping reproduction. This leds to less oxygen being produced, food, medicines, etc.
This reminds me of the movie "The Happening" where all the plants defend themselves from humans and give off a deadly gas that kills them. When the plants are encountered with multiple people at once if when they are defensive and give off the toxic chemical. What if plants were to really evolve and create a defensive system against us for killing them with pollutants? Almost every living thing tries to survive by doing anything it can. Either consuming something to defending itself.
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