Archive of previous posts

Friday, December 11, 2009

New study reveals most children unrepentant psychopaths

This link is to a story that proves Hobbes was right, even about children!  OK, so it was in the Onion...

Using Volcano Updrafts to Fly into Outer Space

This is a link to a Washington Post article about David Bigelow.  Bigelow pioneered a form of aviation technology using gliders to catch the violent updrafts from volcanoes to fly into the upper atmosphere/edge of outer space.  He died in one of his attempts but the technology is being reconsidered as an energy-efficient way to travel to the edges of the earth's atmosphere.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Power and Light in developing countires.

In Worldchanging, on pages 167-168, there is an excerpt titled Power and Light in the Developing World. Personally I thought this was a pretty interesting read because it talks about bringing a form of electricity under developed countries. Basically 1/3 of the world still has no form of electricity to light up there homes at night. What is being done by the Light up the World Foundation is installing LEDs into these homes which can be powered by foot cranked generator, wind turbine, or solar panel. The good thing is the of energy amount it would take to power one normal incandescent light bulb can instead power 100 homes with LEDs in each. It has been tested in roughly 26 different countries and maybe it can be implemented into more. Its kind of hard to imagine anyone not really having electricity in this day and age. Most people especially in this country tend to waste electricity without even thinking twice about it. Hopefully this becomes something that is implemented in more countries and help people a little more in their daily lives.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

When does an alternative lifestyle cross the line? (NAMBLA)

Our discussion on Tuesday dealt with acceptance of alternative lifestyles that happen within the global cultural pattern—lifestyles which increasingly challenge society's moral tolerance, and are a product of an era of globalization and homogenization of culture.

Here's an example of a lifestyle that crosses many boundaries. NAMBLA (North American Man Boy Love Association) is an overt organization that aims to legitimize and de-stigmatize sexual and affectionate relationships between adult men and young boys (as young as pre-teen.) South Park rightfully parodied this organization and is where I first heard about it (to my disbelief.)

This is unfortunately not a joke. See for yourself:, and more on wikipedia:

SARCOS Military Exoskeleton

Monday, December 7, 2009

Editorial Published in 56 Newspapers Urges Action in Copenhagen

The editors at 56 newspapers in 45 countries decided to publish the same editorial out of concern that "humanity faces a profound emergency" and the hope that the gathering in the Danish capital can begin to address climate change in a serious way. The editorial, which was mostly published in front pages, strikes out at the United States for its "obstructionism" throughout the years and notes that the world distressingly "finds itself at the mercy of American domestic politics." Still, it emphasizes that no one is safe from climate change, so it "must be solved by everyone," including rich countries that are going to have to help poorer countries adapt to a changing climate and developing countries that will have to step up to the plate and "pledge meaningful and quantifiable action of their own."

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Project Natal

Project Natal enables users to control and interact with the Xbox 360 without the need to touch a game controller through a natural user interface using gestures, commands. The project is aimed at broadening the Xbox 360's audience beyond its typically hardcore base.

Do Babies Automatically go to Heaven?

Do Babies Automatically go to Heaven?
by K.B Naplier

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Food sprinkles that make you lose weight!

"Real weight loss without diet and exercise - too good to be true"
An interesting article about a new diet supplement that is odorless and tasteless. You simply sprinkle it on your food and your brain no longer tells your stomach to over-eat.
Because consuming food in a reasonable manner is evidently not an option.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Americans Are Fat... But Is This Really Necessary?

College's too-fat-to-graduate rule under fire

By Elizabeth Landau, CNN
November 30, 2009 10:28 a.m. EST

(CNN) -- Most college students expect to receive their diplomas on the basis of grades, but at a Pennsylvania school, physical fitness matters too.

Students at Lincoln University with a body mass index of 30 or above, reflective of obesity, must take a fitness course that meets three hours per week. Those who are assigned to the class but do not complete it cannot graduate.

Now that the first class to have this requirement imposed is nearing graduation day -- students who entered in the fall of 2006 -- the school faces criticism from both students and outsiders about the fitness class policy.

One of those students is Tiana Lawson, 21, whose recent editorial in the student paper has drawn national attention to the issue. Lawson wrote in The Lincolnian that she would be more understanding if the requirement applied to everyone. She thinks all students, not just those with a high BMI, should have to take the class.

"I didn't come to Lincoln to be told that my weight is not in an acceptable range," Lawson wrote. "I came here to get an education which, as a three-time honor student, is something I have been doing quite well, despite the fact that I have a slightly high Body Mass Index."

Lawson, who told CNN she had been putting off getting her BMI tested until this year, recently found out she would have to take the class. At first angry, Lawson said she is now more "confused" about the requirement.

Read Entire Article Here: