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Monday, October 25, 2010


This is a video Freddie sent me, we are wondering if you thought it was a dangerous idea.

Should girls this young be allowed to dance like this? What type of impact will it have on them later on in life? Why are the parents and dance companies allowing this to happen, or sometimes even encouraging it? Look at some of the comments people have been making on Youtube...they think this is a GOOD thing. They are encouraging the girls to do this. I am not doubting their dancing abilities but is it necessary to dance in a "slutty" fashion? Do you think this is dangerous?


  1. And people wonder why there are pedifiles praying on 7 year old girls. Well when you let you're child dress like she's 17 and dance likes she's 17, well you're just asking for trouble. Let kids be kids, we grow up too fast anyway.

  2. I have sen a couple of these videos before and they shock me every single time. I wish I could dande like that. These girls are probably nine years old or younger and they dance like professionals already. I wonder how hard and how much practice they needed to get to this point. How hard were they pushed by their parents? I do think it is wrong that girls so young dance like this. It is good that thry know how to dance so well so young, but there are many different ways of dancing. I don't think they have to dance so slutty.
